admin 发表于 2016-11-3 08:29:14

微电影《 入侵日 Invasion Day》 特效制作花絮


ISART DIGITAL – A huge spaceship starts troubling the city of Paris, sucking up everything on its way…Making-Of Breakdown of short film live action with inlay 3D special effects
Project Graduation
School: ISART DIGITAL, school video game and 3D FX Animation
A gigantic spaceship disturb the peace of Paris, sucking everything in its path …
3D Special Effects: Vincent DE BELLIS, Milos Eratostene, Terence GUILPIN Leo LEFEBVRE, Raphael LEYLAVERGNE, Arthur LOISEAU, Mohamed OUMOUMAD and Dimitri FOUND
Music & Sound Design: Paul BARRET, Axel BURCKEL David Guinot KEROMNES Laurent and Denis RIVOIRECredits:-Dimitri Trouvé, Mohamed Oumoumad, Arthur Loiseau, Raphael Leylavergne, Léo lefebvre, Terence Guilpin, Eratostene Milos, Vincent De Bellis and ISART DIGITAL

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