Blender 2.73 New Grease Pencil Tool 油性笔新工具
Blender 2.73 New Grease Pencil Tool
Animation by Daniel M Lara (Pepeland) for testing the new Grease Pencil tools for upcoming Blender 2.73
You can downolad the Blend file:
1-You NEED download an updated version of Blender from here
2-The blend file:
if you don’t use a updated version of Blender you can not play with the new Grease Pencil features.
-The Grease Pencil tools appear in T(key) viewport panel under Grease Pencil tab
-Pie menus for quick-access to tools A set of experimental pie menus has been included for quick access to many tools and settings. It is not necessary to use these to get things done, but they have been designed to help make certain common tasks easier.
– pressing D and W = The main pie menu. Reveals tools in a context sensitive and spatially stable manner.
– pressing D and Q = “Quick Settings” pie. This allows quick access to the active
layer’s settings. Notably, colours, thickness, and turning onion skinning on/off.
More info here:
{:3_59:}赶紧跟我学blender吧 純屬虛構 发表于 2014-12-17 13:53
no zuo no die
你出教学,我跟着学! admin 发表于 2014-12-17 14:12 static/image/common/back.gif
no zuo no die