Arnold For Maya 支持Maya 2016
本帖最后由 Barberton 于 2015-5-23 18:24 编辑最新版的arnold renderer,支持Maya 2015和2016
[*]Seamless integration with Maya shapes, cameras, lights and shaders.
[*]Image Based Lighting support, including a state of the art physical sky.
[*]Interactive rendering (IPR) allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
[*]Support for volume rendering with Maya Fluids.
[*]Support for Maya Hair and nHair.
[*]Particles and nParticles support, including particle instancer.
[*]Defer the creation of geometry at render time with the Stand-in placeholder nodes.
[*]Productivity boost: override sets, holdout mattes, shadow catcher, passes, UDIM style textures, and arbitrary primvar data.
[*]Extensible through plug-ins (Golaem, FumeFX for Maya, Yeti, Shave & Haircut).
[*]XGen integration.
[*]Texturable geometric lights.
[*]Deep EXR.
[*]Rendering of curves.
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