SpeedTree for Unreal Engine 4
本帖最后由 zhmig 于 2015-8-22 01:07 编辑SpeedTree for UE4Whether you’re using UE4 Custom or UE4* Subscription, the integration of SpeedTree® for Games offers a full range of SpeedTree features, including amazing performance, a highly versatile modeling app, lightmap-ready UVs, scalable wind effects, seamless LOD and more:
SpeedTree for UE4* Subscription
SpeedTree is now available for Epic Games’ new UE4*Subscription version of the engine, with terms geared toward smaller studios and indie developers.Learn More >>
SpeedTree for UE4 Custom License
SpeedTree with UE4 custom license is already helping create some of the game industry’s biggest AAA and next gen titles. Available now for evaluation and licensing.Learn More >>
SpeedTree for UE4* Subscription Tree Model LibraryBrowse our new library of tree and plant models, now available for UE4* subscribers on the SpeedTree online store. Download free sample trees and select from our ever-growing library of tree and plant models, available for purchase by UE4* subscribers (NOTE: The full Model Library is included with SpeedTree for UE4 Custom Licenses).
Browse UE4* models for sale, or download free tree samples on the SpeedTree Store >>
Video Introduction of SpeedTree for UE4* Subscription . . .http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMxNTg2NjQ4OA==.html
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