Krokodove 6.42 64bit For Fusion 8\7.7\6.4下载
本帖最后由 Barberton 于 2016-4-18 12:44 编辑Krokodove开发者在一周前发布了krokodove 6.4,适用于Fusion 8 Studio(win、mac两个版本),Fusion 7.7 Studio,Fusion 6.4。
In this Krokodove release you will find a few new tools but it is mainly intended to comply with the new Fusion 8.0 (Studio) release for both PC and Mac.
For now we’ll also keep supporting Fusion 6.4 and Fusion 7.7. Make sure you install the proper version as they all come together in a single file…
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谢谢楼主分享好东西 感谢分享{:3_48:} 好东东,感谢分享 站长威武~~~ really thanks Krokodove 6.42 64bit For Fusion 8\7.7\6.4下载 感谢封面西欧昂 很棒的插件啊 又是一个吊吊的插件啊。。。。。。。。。。