admin 发表于 2013-10-19 09:16:55

Fusion 7 新功能介绍(中英文对照)


[*]Highlight added to the side of an key-framed parameter.   (高亮显示已K过关键帧参数)
[*]Quick setting of node base and text color directly from the node itself.(直接对节点本身,可快速设置节点或文本颜色)
[*]New 3D preferences including:(新的3D参数:)

[*]Grid control (line width and line colour)   (网格控制:线的宽度和颜色)
[*]Adjustment of near and far clipping plans.(可调整摄像机远近截面)
[*]Define default lighting in the views based in intensity and position. (可定义默认灯光的强度和位置)
[*]Better flow alignment prediction.(更好节点排列功能)

[*]Customization of the complete UI including remove, undock, add or float any major view.(完整的自定义用户界面,包括移除、解锁、添加和浮动任意主窗口)

[*]New drag and drop navigation system.(新的拖放导航系统)

[*]New Alembic import.(支持Alembic格式,俗称Abc,关于Abc解释)

[*]Updated FBX import to cover version 2014.(支持FBX2014更新版)

[*]Velocity Channel Pass Rendering.(可渲染速度通道,也就是制作运动模糊的杀手锏)

[*]Ambient Occlusion backed directly into the vertex colors.(支持AO到顶点颜色上,也就是大家所期待的)

[*]Creation of screen space Ambient Occlusion.(可创建屏幕空间AO)
[*]PointCloud Modeling.(云点建模,这个也是电影后期工作者期待的)
[*]Horizontal and Vertical Overscan functionality.(水平垂直过扫描功能,这个如何解释,玩过游戏的朋友应该懂)

[*]Replacement of object Normal’s tool.(可替换对象法线的工具)

[*]Creation of an imagePlane based on selected CV’s (Points).(基于选中的多个定位点,可创建面片)

[*]Creation of Locators or other 3D objects based on selected CV position. (基于选中的定位点位置,可创建定位器和其他3D对象)

[*]The ability to add Annotations to CV’s.(可对定位点添加注释)

[*]Addition of a Domain Clip option for pushing the DoD outside the image area.(按下DoD,图像区域外增加区域修剪选项)
[*]Ability to adjust 3D Splines in the Viewport.(能在视图中调整3D曲线)

[*]Open Colour I/O support.(支持导入和导出外部色彩配置)

[*]Linear Colour Workflow.(线性颜色工作流程)
[*]Gamma and LUT conversion directed in Loaders and Savers.(Loader和Saver节点能直接转换Gamma、LUT)

[*]2.5D relighting(2.5D重新照明)
[*]Procedural 3D noise function.(3D程序噪点功能)

[*]3D Projectors casting light through volumes.(3D相机投射体积光效果)

[*]Caustics added to roto tools.(Roto工具添加了Caustics功能)
[*]Onion Skinning added to roto tools.(Roto工具添加了洋葱皮功能)

[*]Highlight of frame number on roto tools (on mouse hover).(鼠标停留在Roto工具上高亮显示帧数)
[*]Plot of points on Roto tools for seeing point direction over time.(Roto工具上点的划分,是随时间推移确定点的方向)
[*]New Roto Assist (using edge detection technologies).(新的Roto辅助系统 - 利用边缘检测技术)

純屬虛構 发表于 2013-10-19 14:54:56


admin 发表于 2013-10-19 21:27:01

純屬虛構 发表于 2013-10-19 14:54 static/image/common/back.gif


wujintai 发表于 2013-10-19 23:00:05


admin 发表于 2013-10-20 09:05:19

wujintai 发表于 2013-10-19 23:00 static/image/common/back.gif


純屬虛構 发表于 2013-10-20 20:36:29

admin 发表于 2013-10-19 21:27 static/image/common/back.gif


admin 发表于 2013-10-20 22:11:52

純屬虛構 发表于 2013-10-20 20:36 static/image/common/back.gif


yakasa 发表于 2013-10-22 16:06:19

Replacement of object Normal’s tool.(这个我认为是 可替换对象的工具)

Open Colour I/O support.(打开颜色 I/O 支持)
Open Colour是指色彩空间配置文件,I是IN,O是OUT,是说支持导入和导出外部色彩配置

Gamma and LUT conversion directed in Loaders and Savers.(能直接读取并保存 Gamma和LUT转换)

3D Projectors casting light through volumes.(通过体积,3D投射灯光)

Caustics added to roto tools.(Caustics添加Roto工具)
Onion Skinning added to roto tools.(Onion Skinning添加Roto工具)
上面两个,Caustics具体含义不清,Onion Skinning是指“洋葱皮”(做动画都知道...),按正确语法是说,roto工具添加了洋葱皮和Caustics功能。

admin 发表于 2013-10-23 08:08:28

yakasa 发表于 2013-10-22 16:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Replacement of object Normal’s tool.(这个我认为是 可替换对象的工具)
’s是复数,Normal应该是指法 ...

恩 确实翻译比我准确,有些看过视频后,准备修改附图和文字。

chenhaohan 发表于 2013-10-23 13:42:45

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查看完整版本: Fusion 7 新功能介绍(中英文对照)