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[新闻] SynthEyes 1407 新增语音控制系统

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    发表于 2014-7-24 21:26:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    SynthEyes 1407 adds new voice-control system


    Andersson Technologies has released SynthEyes 1407. The new version of its camera-tracking software has a surprising addition: Synthia, a voice-recognition system that lets users control the software by talking to it.
    Voice control? Tell me you’re kiddingWe were, frankly, sceptical about Synthia when we started watching the demo video above.
    And for the first few minutes, Synthia appears to be a Siri-style gimmick: while being able to say, “Camera view,” rather than switching view manually saves having to remember keyboard shortcuts, it’s hardly a time-saver.
    But then things get interesting.
    Not only does Synthia recognise commands like, “Flash and select the five trackers with the smallest lifetime,” but it’s history-aware, meaning that following up with, “Delete them,” deletes only those five trackers.
    Create, edit or import rules to train the voice recognitionIt’s a rules-based system – so you can set up your own new voice commands, or edit the existing ones – and it’s cloud-enabled, meaning that new rules created by other users can be broadcast to your copy of the software.
    It makes use of Windows and OS X’s native voice recognition, so if your OS struggles with your accent, you’ll be out of luck: in the demo, Synthia struggles to distinguish ‘LightWave’ and ‘lightweight’, for example.
    But still, it’s a genuinely powerful-looking implementation of voice commands, and one that, by the end of the demo video, is being used to automate some fairly complex tasks. Not great for shared offices, though.
    Pricing and availabilityOther new features in SynthEyes 1407 include the option for supervisors to add notes on a tracking shot, plus a variety of additional smaller features and bug fixes.

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