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Four years after his passing, we still haven't quite caught up to Satoshi Kon, one of the great visionaries of modern film. In just four features and one TV series, he developed a unique style of editing that distorted and warped space and time. Join me in honoring the greatest Japanese animator not named Miyazaki.
For educational purposes only.
You can support the channel at http://patreon.com/everyframeapainting
And you can follow me at http://twitter.com/tonyszhou
For further reading / viewing, I highly recommend:
Andrew Osmond's book "Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist" (my major source) http://amzn.com/1933330740
Kristin Thompson's essay on match cuts & graphic matches http://bit.ly/1x960Em
And this tumblr with an excellent name http://fuckyeahsatoshikon.tumblr.com/
今敏 百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/148896.htm?fr=aladdin