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[新闻] Sketchfab 支持带动画的三维模型场景

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-8-19 00:59:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    (ANIM) COH2: The British Forces - 'Tommy' Idle by Relic Entertainment on Sketchfab

    An idle cycle for a character from Relic Entertainment‘s Company of Heroes 2, displayed in Sketchfab. The model-viewing service now lets users upload files in FBX format and have animations play back in a browser.

    Online 3D model-viewing service Sketchfab has added support for animation, enabling users to upload animated models in FBX format and play the results back interactively in a browser.

    The system, which is currently in beta, supports bone-based rigs, so it can be used for animated characters.

    A universal online display system for 3D models
    Launched in 2012, Sketchfab is a WebGL-based service that lets users upload models in standard 3D formats, then see them displayed interactively online in a form that can be pasted into websites and social media.

    You can see a round-up of the best new models uploaded to Sketchfab in our CG Theatre section each month.


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