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[新闻] GenArts 发布 Sapphire 9 蓝宝石9

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    发表于 2015-10-11 20:08:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    GenArts has released Sapphire 9, the latest update to its industry-standard collection of preset effects, transitions and looks for editing, compositing and finishing software.

    The release adds four new transitions, a couple of new utility tools, and further extends Builder, the node-based system for authoring custom effects introduced in Sapphire 8.

    New effects include Bokeh lights and astronomical backgroundsNew effects introduced in the release include the self-explanatory BokehLights, which generates classic Bokeh patterns of defocused lights. The effect may be animated.

    There are also two astronomical effects: NightSky, which generatates accurate star fields based on date, time and location; and Aurora, which produces Northern Lights-type effects.

    In addition, there is a good-looking InfiniteZoom effect, which creates a “hypnotic, spiral effect similar to infinite regression”, and which can be seen at 00:30 in the video above.

    New optical flow-based utility toolsSapphire 9 also introduces two new utility tools, including CutToDissolve, which replaces straight cuts between clips for which no video handles exist by generating the missing frames via optical flow.

    A second optical flow-based tool, RepairFrames, regenerates dropouts or damaged frames automatically.

    In addition, there is a new StripSlide transition, which moves from one clip to the next by sliding the foreground offscreen in a series of parallel strips.

    Support for animation curves in BuilderFinally, the Builder toolset has been extended: most notably by the addition of animation curves for all parameters, along with a set of “advanced compositing tools”. You can see them briefly in this demo video.

    S_transition, the part of the toolset for authoring new transitions, now supports multiple transition nodes; and transitions are also now supported in s_effect, the part of the toolset for authoring new effects.


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