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[新闻] Pixar 发布 RenderMan for Houdini

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-10-19 19:44:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    又是一个桥接,皮克斯将称霸渲染届吧? 发展全平台全软件??

    Shading in Houdini 15. Through RenderMan for Houdini, a new bridge plugin linking the two applications shipped with Houdini out of the box, Houdini now implements several key RenderMan shaders.
    Pixar has announced RenderMan for Houdini, a new bridge product linking the two software packages, developed in collaboration between Pixar and Houdini developer Side Effects Software.
    The plugin ships out of the box with Houdini 15, which we covered yesterday, but Pixar’s own announcement goes into quite a lot more technical detail.

    Implements RenderMan shaders inside Houdini
    Developed for Pixar’s own feature films, RenderMan for Houdini (RfH) provides a bridge between Houdini and RenderMan, including support for the renderer’s new RIS framework, a shader suite, and interactive rendering.
    New shading options within Houdini include an implementation of Disney’s Principled shader, intended as a more intuitive, flexible alternative to strictly physically accurate shading, and the PxrLM layered material system.
    There are also a range of RIS shaders, listed in full on Side Effects’ website.
    RIS shaders are available in the RIS Shader Network SHOP, while Houdini’s VOP visual programming context provides a “native environment for building RIS shaders with OSL support”.

    Support for RenderMan’s advanced render options
    RfH supports the light transport methods in RenderMan, letting the user switch between path tracing and VCM (Vertex Connection and Merging: a hybrid of bidirectional path tracing and progressive photon mapping).
    The former works well on outdoor or very specular scenes; the latter on indoor or indirectly illuminated scenes.
    The plugin supports raytraced caustics and subsurface scattering without the need to generate pre-passes; along with RenderMan 20‘s Denoise feature, which cleans up fast, noisy raw renders as a post-process.

    OpenVDB, procedural primitives, AOVs and RIB archives
    Other features of note include support for volumetrics in OpenVDB format and RiProcedural plugins for creating “procedural geometry, feathers, and custom shaders”.
    Through RfH, Houdini artists can use RenderMan to generate a range of AOVs and Light Path Expressions, with support for deep textures; and can cache scene geometry, including animated sequences, as RIB Archives.


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    2017-10-28 23:13
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    发表于 2015-10-19 21:27:28 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Barberton 于 2015-10-19 23:27 编辑

    今年发布MAYA NC版的时候,官方那里就有一个开发列表的:当时已经开发出来的有MAYA和KATANA版,正在开发的有Houdini、C4D和Blender版,有计划开发的是MAX、MODO和LightWave班。现在Houdini版出来了,估计半年后C4D版也会出来了。顺带一提,arnold除了blender、modo和max没有之外,其他的都有了(多了一个xsi版),而且lightwave版arnold还是民间的某位高手自己参照arnold SDK开发出来的。之前记得逛bitbucket的时候,看见某位仁兄写了个NtoA(arnold for nuke),不过只有框架,再加上steakunderwater那边的人说过Fusion的SDK比Nuke的要容易搞得多,所以我想着如果我们真有那样的编程能力,自己写一个出来FtoA出来也未尝不可,不过关键在于——编程能力真是太有限了.....
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
  • 签到天数: 405 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2015-10-19 23:05:10 | 显示全部楼层
    Barberton 发表于 2015-10-19 21:27
    今年发布MAYA NC版的时候,官方那里就有一个开发列表的:当时已经开发出来的有MAYA和KATANA版,正在开发的有 ...

    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com
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