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[闲聊] 国外Fusion用户的期待,BlackmagicDesign Fusion 9 界面功能大需求

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
  • 签到天数: 405 天

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    发表于 2016-5-4 13:01:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Interface: 界面

    Purple tool ribbon: Change to match when gray interface is selected.  紫色节点
    Gamma / Gain sliders: add them to view windows. This is immensely useful in Nuke and much easier than dealing with Fusion's lut system.  伽马 / 增益滑块
    Fix new folder / up directory buttons in file load window: At present it's near impossible to tell which is which without hovering over the buttons to get tool-tips.  修正加载窗口(新建文件夹 / 向上按钮)
    Better keyframe visualization on time-line: A single thin green line makes it difficult to tell which frame a keyframe is actually on.  更好的可视化关键帧
    Improved spline editor: The ability to see X & Y coordinates in spline editor in addition to the pre-existing displacement curve.  改进曲线编辑器

    Features: 功能

    Adaptive resolution: I would love to see new scripts adopt the resolution of the footage added to them (as an option of course). 自适应分辨率
    Denoise: A better denoise tool would be nice. Perhaps the one from Resolve. If it's in Fusion Studio only, that's cool.  降噪,同达芬奇Denoise
    Better color tools: I find the color corrector tool to be a bear. There are buttons, panels, and tabs everywhere. One can easily get lost in it - and inheriting a comp with some crazy color correctors in it can be a real pain in butt. I'd love to see some Resolve color grading tools pollinate to the Fusion side.  更好的调色节点
    More robust channel support: See Nuke's ability to easily add channels on the fly, swap, customize, and use them with nearly any node in the program.  支持更多的通道,类似Nuke那样
    Addmix with A/B curve support.  支持添加A/B曲线混合
    Spline warp / morph tool.  样条曲线扭曲 / 变形工具
    Improved keyers.  改进

    Other tools that would be nice to have eventually:  其他期待的工具
    Planar tracker  平面跟踪
    Camera (3D) tracker  3D相机跟踪反求
    Spherical stereo camera (for VR projects)   立体VR虚拟相机

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