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权力的游戏 第六季 Game of Thrones Season 6 幕后花絮 by Iloura

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
  • 签到天数: 405 天

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    发表于 2016-7-4 11:07:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Iloura – Battle of the Bastards is shocking in its audacity. More shocking still that we pulled it off and so much credit for that goes to Iloura. We are up close and personal in this battle with CG horses and collisions right in front of the lens and we constantly needed to review Iloura’s shots side by side with the photography because it was hard to remember and even harder to see the difference between what was shot and what was added. Amazing.”
    Steve Kullback, VFX Producer
    It stretches from the south, where heat breeds plots, lusts and intrigues, to the vast and savage eastern lands, where a young queen raises an army. All the while, in the frozen north, an 800-foot wall of ice precariously protects the war-ravaged kingdom from the dark forces that lie beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars, lords and honest men…all play the ‘Game of Thrones.’
    An original series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series.

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