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权力的游戏 第六季 Game of Thrones Season 6 特效制作花絮 by Rising Sun Pictures

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    RSP – For the finale of season six of HBO’s smash hit Game of Thrones¸ Rising Sun Pictures faced a formidable challenge: replicate the sprawling city of King’s Landing and its central shrine, the Great Sept of Baelor, and then burn them to the ground in a magical, green-hued inferno.
    New to the Game of Thrones production team, RSP created visual effects for several episodes of the show’s recently concluded sixth season. Most of the work centred on King’s Landing and the Sept as artists produced photo-realistic CG set extensions and architectural enhancements that were blended with location footage to create the luxurious, walled city overlooking the sea.
    At Rising Sun Pictures (RSP) we create inspirational visual effects for major studios worldwide. Creating outstanding images is at the core of our existence. At the heart of our talented team, there is a diverse knowledge and skill-set, enabling a collaborative core where we can work together to solve problems and deliver great visuals to our clients. We have achieved some truly amazing visual effects work by providing innovative solutions to technically challenging work. We have the capacity and talent pool to scale to suit the needs of our clients.
    Our extensive filmography includes over 100 projects, including X-Men: Apocalypse, Game of Thrones Season 6, The Legend of Tarzan, Gods of Egypt, Pan, X-Men: Days of Future Past, The Hunger Games franchise, the Harry Potter franchise, Gravity, The Wolverine, Prometheus and The Great Gatsby.



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