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《捉鬼敢死队 Ghostbusters》 特效花絮 by Iloura

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2016-9-3 21:28:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Iloura played such a strong role in the design of our ghosts. From the first test in pre-production which they hit out of the park, everything Iloura produced was not only of extremely high quality, but had such a strong aspect of creative design, in ways that we hadn’t asked or expressed. They went the extra mile, and it always paid off from our vantage point. Glenn and his team made it easy on us, defining the look of our ghostly beings like Gertrude, the Rock Concert Ghost and the Mirror Ghouls.”
    Pete Travers, VFX Supervisor, Sony Studios
    I knew that when Iloura said they could do something they would, and they would exceed expectations, and despite the many, many curveballs thrown their way, Iloura continued to deliver quality work. It was an absolute pleasure working with Iloura and something I hope to repeat soon and often.”
    Sean Santiago, VFX Producer, Sony Studios


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