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[新闻] 真实流体模拟软件 RealFlow 2015 新功能演示视频

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    发表于 2015-2-3 14:29:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Next Limit’s Luis Miguel Mora has posted videos on his blog showing a sneak peek of the new spline tools and spreadsheet functionality in RealFlow 2015, the forthcoming update to the fluid simulation software.

    More intuitive spline workflow
    According to Mora, the update will improve the usability of the existing DSpline daemon and Spline Emitter by enabling artists to control them directly in the viewport, rather than by adjusting numerical parameters.

    “The spline node will be able to import and create curves”, he writes.

    The video at the top of the story shows “the possibility [of] importing splines by using a Python script inside RealFlow. This kind of utility will be included in RealFlow by default, of course”.


    A separate post covers RealFlow 2015’s new Spreadsheets feature, which enables users to filter and visualise huge particle sets using familiar spreadsheet tools.

    The video above shows Mora filtering out and changing the display colour of particles with velocities above a given threshold value from an 84-million-particle Hybrido simulation.

    According to Mora, the functionality is available for “most of the RF nodes”.


    For a practical demonstration of RealFlow 2015 in action, the video above from Spanish VFX artist Ivan Suarez shows a render of a simulation created using an alpha build of the software.

    Suarez doesn’t discuss any specific new features, but notes in his description of the video on Vimeo that the software is “now much faster and [more] stable than before”.

    Pricing and availability
    The blog posts don’t provide any hints at RealFLow 2015’s release date, but for comparison, Next Limit began posting the first sneak peeks of RealFlow 2014 around this time last year, and the software shipped in June.

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