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[公司作品] ObliqueFX 作品集2015

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-2-11 08:40:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Featuring our work on:
    - LA BELLE ET LA BêTE (France, 2014): Ballroom set extension with simulated curtains, Beast's CG face replacement and CG tail, CG leaves
    - éSIMéSAC (Québec, 2012): Set extension with CG snow, trees and train tracks. CG wings and cable removals. Full CG shots (train arriving in front of the characters)
    - RIDDICK (USA, 2012): CG Set extensions with CG ambient smoke. CG ship enhancement. (in collaboration with Raynault VFX)
    - SOURCE CODE (USA, 2010): CG Explosion simulations
    - DOLPHIN TALE 2 (USA, 2014): Removal of the live turtle. CG Turtle with water interactions. Full CG over-the-water shot (CG pelican done by John Mariella).
    - BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (USA, 2005): Set extensions
    - ON THE ROAD (USA, 2012): Removal of modern elements and CG set extension. Removal of the road white lines and whiten the center yellow lines. CG Rain Enhancement.
    - THE FOUNTAIN (USA, 2005): CG Plants and Flowers. CG skin interactions.
    - RESCUE (CA, 2010, Imax): CG collapsing church with CG smoke simulations
    - THE COVENANT (USA, 2006): CG Set Extensions. CG ambient smoke. CG cliffs and water.

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