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《海绵宝宝大电影 - 海绵出水 The Spongebob: Sponge Out Of Water》 特效花絮

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    发表于 2015-9-14 08:36:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Spongebob Squarepants 2 Sponge Out Of Water Vfx Breakdown:
    The biggest challenge was to take a traditionally drawn cast of characters with over twenty years of history, with all their odd proportions, idiosyncrasies, zany distortions and logic defying rules, and reinvent them in digital form. As you may know, in Cel animation, anything you can draw is possible to put up on the screen, whereas CG is less fluid and characters tend to stay more or less ‘on model’ throughout. Still, we were keen to not have any of CG’s limitations stop the creative process, so we built rigs and processes to allow the director the creative freedom to ask for whatever he wanted. Unique to this pipeline was our post sculpting process. A defining characteristic of the show is the strength of line, of silhouette. After animation was locked, each shot was passed through to our sculptors who would take key poses for each character and re-sculpt them to strengthen the silhouette, distorting or smoothing out their poses to make them really strong and evoke the quality of the original show. This process also allowed us to custom sculpt distortions or ‘one off’ shapes needed for the show. That combined with a rigorous study of each lighting setup helped create a blended style which had all the character of the original show with a real world integration typical of a hybrid movie. Over and above the characters themselves, we built and animated the seagulls, pelicans, giant Sandy Squirrel, Burger Beard’s ship, Pirate skeleton and countless props, environments and secondary characters. It was an awesome project to be entrusted with and all of us learned a lot from Paul, Steve and Vince’s long history of traditional animation.”
    Glenn Melenhorst, VFX Supervisor, Iloura


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