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宜家 IKEA Fly Robot Fly 制作花絮

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-11-23 09:27:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    MPC, Strange Beast and Mother Join Together in Charming Production for IKEA.
    IKEA encourages parents to “Come Home to Play” in its latest campaign, inspiring adults to learn from childish enthusiasm by throwing off the shackles of “serious” and embracing the power of play.
    The MPC motion Design Studio developed the DMP and VFX elements that are incorporated in to the film, such as the CG road, rocks and grass and flowers , clouds, fire, smoke and dust.
    The 2D Nuke team undertook extensive work joining multiple takes together, and compositing the the shoot elements with the DMP backgrounds and VFX renders, to really bring the film to life.
    Working with Strange Beast Productions, Daren Rabinovitch – of Encyclopedia Pictura – became part of the MPC DMP family. Stephen Ross and Tom Robinson, VFX supervisors said “The overall style of this piece of work comes directly from his personal style of drawing. All the shapes and forms of most of the major elements, from the main cloud, to the rocks and the trees, were designed and originally drawn by Daren. We had to learn his style and incorporate this into our workflow. We worked very hard to facilitate his desires and bring to life his vision. Because of this, there is a stylistic consitency on all levels that holds true to Daren’s art direction as we tried to keep it a pure as possible.”
    Daren said: “The VFX process was a joy; the biggest challenge was simply staying ahead of the artists! MPC were really willing to discover the look, and given the tight schedule, this was very brave.”
    Agency Mother
    Production Company Strange Beast & Ghost Robot
    Director Daren Rabinovitch of Encyclopedia Pictura


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