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[新闻] Andersson Technology 发布 SynthEyes 1605

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    发表于 2016-5-10 10:58:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    1605将支持VR 360度全景的视频跟踪以及反求。更新了其解决方案与性能。具体演示可以去以下的官网欣赏。

    An introduction to processing 360-degree video using SynthEyes 1605, the most recent release of the 3D tracking software. See the other parts of the video on the SynthEyes YouTube channel.

    Andersson Technologies has released SynthEyes 1605, the latest update to its 3D tracking software, adding a set of workflows for processing 360-degree video for virtual reality experiences.
    A complete end-to-end workflow for handling 360-degree videoAccording to Andersson Technologies, the update provides workflows for stabilising, tracking and solving 360-degree shots, then inserting 3D objects rendered in standard 3D software.
    The workflow includes the option to generate a linear perspective view following each inserted mesh, and to convert linear imagery back to 360-degree video.
    You can see the process in detail in a two-hour set of video tutorials on the SynthEyes YouTube channel.
    New general tracking features and updates to the Geometric Hierarchy tracking toolsThe release also adds a number of more general features, including updates to the GeOH toolset for tracking entire hierarchies of moving parts introduced in SynthEyes 1508 last year.
    SynthEyes also now offers separate pan/tilt/roll channels and keying for the camera and moving object’s seed and solve tracks, making it easier to hand animate rotations over 360 degrees.
    You can read a list of the other key features in the online release notes.


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