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[其他] Blackmagic Design: eyeon Fusion and what the acquisition means

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-4-3 13:52
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    发表于 2014-11-9 16:44:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Stuart Ashton, Director Blackmagic Design, EMEA, talks about the eyeon Fusion acquisition by Blackmagic and what this means for the future.
    Fusion 7 is one of Hollywoods leading visual effects compositing and motion graphics tools and has been used on thousands of feature film and television projects. Most recently, Fusion 7 has been used on feature films like Maleficent, Edge of Tomorrow, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Captain America, Gravity and more.
    Fusion provides a rich feature set including: advanced compositing tools, comprehensive paint, rotoscope, keying, layering and titling tools, along with an amazing particle generator system. It can import geometry from other applications as well as create its own elements, like text and particles, from scratch. Elements can be composited together and quickly output using Fusions GPU accelerated render engine. Multiple renders can be combined in one project to render different aspects of the same scene. Fusion 7 goes beyond just compositing layers and has a full set of creation tools for building objects and scene elements in a 3D system that can handle millions of polygons with complex shading.
    It is clear that the acquisition of eye on Fusion will boost the post production capabilities offered by Blackmagic. In combination with DaVinci Resolve, this means Blackmagic Design now offers some of the most powerful tools in the business.
    Grant Petty, CEO of Blackmagic design, had this to say about the acquisition: "We're really excited about the acquisition of eye on. Fusion compositing, 3D and motion graphics software has been used on some of Hollywoods biggest visual effects blockbusters. When used together with DaVinci Resolve for editing and grading, Fusion also gives customers the worlds most advanced tools for 3D compositing, visual effects, motion graphics design and more!"
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