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[个人作品] Thiago Porto Compositor Showreel 合成作品

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
  • 签到天数: 405 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2014-12-28 19:50:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Thank You for watching! Others showreels:
    CG Composing Reel: vimeo.com/105638051
    Stereo Compositor reel: vimeo.com/66566802
    BIG, HUGE Thank You to Thomas Bergersen for the great layers for the musics.
    Please if you enjoy, considere check it out the new album from him, 'Sun', amazing one.
    Showreel Breakdown (in order of appearance):
    *Short film, personal project, coming 2015 at Nederlands Film Festival
    *Where we belong Fedde Le Grand Music Video - FinalKID Productions
    *Nissan - Evolution - ClanVFX
    *Fiat - 1'2'3 - NashTV
    *Nissan - Fabric - ClanVFX
    *Alerj - Adoção - TribboPost Sup. Jorge Pereira
    *GM - Sonic - Horda Productions - USA Film
    *IBM - Planet - ClanVFX
    *Tim - Stadium - ClanVFX
    *Old Spice - Homem - ClanVFX Sup. Diego Morone
    *Renault - It's time - ClanVFX
    *Skol - Casa na praia - ClanVFX
    *Chevrolet - Onix - TribboPost
    *Ultra Music Festival WW - FinalKID Productions
    *Samsung - The New New - TribboPost Sup BBinho Reinaldo
    Thank You for everyone on each team, is always amazing work with you guys:)


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