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[新闻] Red Giant 发布Universe 1.4

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-3-14 20:14:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Red Giant Software has released Universe 1.4, the latest update to its online library of effects and transitions for editing and compositing packages, adding support for HitFilm 3 and eight new tools, bringing the total to 89.

    Red Giant’s news release lists the new tools as follows:

    For premium subscribers:

    Knoll Light Transition
    This transition uses animated Knoll Light Factory flares, complete with 20 unique presets to quickly move users from shot to shot. It also includes control over brightness, angle and edge feathering and a choice of a dissolve or linear wipe transition.
    Picture in Picture
    Easily composite and frame one layer of footage over a larger layer with Picture in Picture. The effect includes the ability to add and customize a colored border and drop shadow.
    This effect allows users to quickly give footage a Walking Dead-style grungy textured treatment. Texturize’s seamless tiling textures make it easy to animate and bring life (or death) to any video or still imagery
    ToonIt Thermal
    Give footage a simulated look and color scheme of thermal imaging systems with this new effect.
    For free subscribers:

    Magnetic Displace
    This new transition pushes away or pulls in footage from a center point, distorting the footage in a circular shape. It also includes controls for direction and center point.
    Soft Edge Wipe
    A linear wipe transition with an adjustable feathered edge, this effect is used for transitioning between two layers of footage using a subtle blend. It includes angle control and the ability to add a colored stroke as a part of the transition.
    Elliptical Distortion
    This effect warps footage spherically, with aspect controls for elliptical options. The cropping and wrap features allow users to isolate and seamlessly warp specific footage areas. The effect also includes 3D lighting controls.
    Compare Frames
    This utility plug-in splits the screen into two layers of footage, placing them side-by-side. Controls include various blend modes for each layer and an option for feathering the dividing boundary for a softer edge. It also includes blending mode options and the ability to swap the views for better comparison.
    In addition, the update adds FXhome’s HitFilm 3 Pro to the lineup of supported host apps, joining Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Sony Vegas and Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve.

    Pricing and Availability
    Universe 1.4 is available online now. Basic membership is free; Premium membership costs $10 per month, $99 per year, or $399 for lifetime membership.


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