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[新闻] Allegorithmic 发布 Substance Designer 5.1 材质设计软件

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-6-2 14:02:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Allegorithmic has released Substance Designer 5.1, the latest update to its texture-creation tool. The update primarily improves workflow in the software’s node graph.
    Lots of neat little things to speed up work with graphsNew features include the option to join nodes with rectangular or polyline links rather than curves, to keep the graph tidy; and useful little things like autoconnecting to a selected link or node.
    You can also select all of the parent nodes for a given node from the right-click menu; or search for any node available in the software from the Spacebar menu.
    If you want to get deep into the underlying maths, function nodes are now displayed in a detailed graph, with proper icons and more logical pin and link colours.
    None are huge new features in themselves, but collectively, they should speed up workflow considerably. The update also adds the option to work in HSV colour space as well as RGB, including an HSV colour picker.


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