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[新闻] HP惠普公司发布新款 3D扫描系统

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-6-16 08:49:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    台式电脑、触摸屏、三维摄像系统 集于一身。

    Sprout: a quick recapReleased late last year, Sprout is a desktop-sized Windows 8 PC with a 23″ touchscreen display. Mounted over the display is a unit combining an Intel RealSense 3D camera, 14-megapixel digital camera, and projector.
    The cameras and projector are trained on a base that doubles as a scanning mat and an additional touch/stylus control surface, although it also comes with a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard if you insist on being traditional.
    HP calls the resulting conglomerate an ‘immersive computer’, a ‘creativity station’ or a ‘blended reality’ system, depending on which of its marketing blurbs you’re looking at.
    So what’s new?While Sprout currently comes with a 3D Snapshot app for recording objects placed on the Touch Mat, it doesn’t actually capture a 3D scan: just a 2D image of the uppermost side of the object.
    To that, HP is now adding a new 3D Capture application capable of generating actual 3D scans.
    HP’s press materials don’t go into a lot of detail about 3D Capture’s feature set, but as well as generating the 3D model, it seems to include basic tools for cleaning up artefacts.
    Scanned models can be shared in an online 3D viewer, or output to a 3D printer: HP is working with Dremel to provide an “end-to-end scan to print solution” with Dremel’s 3D Idea Builder printer.
    Optional USB-connected turntableThe software itself is a free update, but if you don’t want to reposition the object you’re scanning manually, HP is also releasing the 3D Capture Stage, a $299 USB turntable peripheral.
    As well as rotating the object horizontally, the turntable tilts it by 15 degrees vertically, to minimise blind spots.
    Like the Sprout itself, it’s aimed more at the maker/home user market than entertainment work, so don’t expect to scan anything huge: the turntable will handle objects up to 4.4lb (2kg) in weight or 7.5″ (190mm) in height.

    官方地址:http://www8.hp.com/us/en/hp-news ... ssory+#.VXrEm0b74Xw

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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-25 09:48
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    发表于 2015-6-16 10:23:11 | 显示全部楼层
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