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[EXE] 【CGS首发】Blackmagic Fusion 9 免费版下载(更新到 9.0.2)



发表于 2017-9-17 14:30:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-17 21:55:04 | 显示全部楼层
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    2021-11-23 22:39
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     楼主| 发表于 2017-9-18 13:30:07 | 显示全部楼层


    Blackmagic Fusion 9.0.1
    • General performance and stability improvements  改进性能和稳定性

    Details for 9.0.1New & Improved 新的改进
    • OpenCL Enable and Caching prefs now apply to individual comps.   OpenCL的启用和缓存配置现在应用到个人项目设定中
    • The Use OpenCL checkbox in Common Controls is now a three-way button, Disable/Auto/Enable (defaults to Auto).  通用控件中的OpenCL复选框现在使用三选项按钮,禁用 /自动 /启用(默认是自动模式)
    • When OpenCL is set to Auto (in Prefs/OpenCL and in each tool), Fusion is now more nuanced about which tools use OpenCL, to get better results with slower systems.   当OpenCL设为Auto自动模式时,Fusion的哪个工具使用OpenCL会有微妙变化,即便用较慢的系统也能得到较好的结果。
    • OpenCL Caching pref is reset to Full.  OpenCL缓存配置重置为Full 完全模式
    • Prefs/OpenCL status text is now formatted and copyable.
    • Significant speedups for OpenCL mask blurs, DeltaKeyer and others.
    • CameraTracker: "Previous Export/Clear" button now works.   相机反求的 Previous Export/Clear 按钮现在可以工作了
    • CameraTracker: Limit the number of tracks used to select seed frames, to improve performance.
    • CameraTracker: Lower the default detection threshold a little.
    • FileRequester: Comp path maps are now shown.
    • Improved progress display when rendering stereo or spherical cameras.   改进渲染立体或球形相机时的显示过程
    • Improved performance of TimeSpeed and TimeStretcher in some simple non-interpolating cases.
    • No longer saves default Gradient params to the comp.
    • Improved out-of-range extrapolation of 3D LUTs.
    • Added image clipping modes to DeltaKeyer. The default is 'Frame'.
    • Added hover scrubbing to bin items.
    • Added Bins View Mode scripting/action.   新增工具箱视图模式 脚本/动作
    • Added Bins buttons strip.
    • Added images & tooltips for Player buttons.   为播放器按钮新增图像与工具提示
    • Added script menu to Bins and Reel View.   工具箱和作品视图新增脚本菜单
    • Tools are now shown in their own special library, which will be automatically re-created such that it stays in-sync with Fusion updates and plugin additions.
    • If playing a single clip (rather than a reel), the entire player closes when pressing esc.
    • Show the play view when opening an item/reel.   当打开项目/作品时显示播放视图
    • Support alpha channel output for MXF, QuickTime, FFmpeg, YUV, DNX.   支持透明通道输出的格式有:MXF、Quicktime、FFmpeg、YUV、DNX
    • Added support for 10bit 422 Planar YUV with full range color.
    • QuickTime and MXF formats now support choosing between multiple decoders.  Quicktime 和 MXF 现在支持多种编码器的选择
    • Improved QuickTime metadata support for ColorSpace etc.
    • Added user override of default Data level for H.264 videos in MXF loader.
    • Added more Setup and Inter expressions to CustomVertex.  自定义顶点节点新增更多的配置与内部表达式
    • Added help support for 2D & 3D viewer types & subviews.   新增2D与3D视图和子视图的帮助支持
    • Added a simple stamp creation progress indicator.
    • Add TimeCode and FrameRate to MXF metadata.
    • Drag/drop script files to ConsoleView now executes them.   拖拽脚本文件到控制台视图可以直接执行它们
    • Don't initialise Fuses with invalid IDs, and display a warning.  无法预置无效IDs的Fuse节点,并显示警告
    • Added Defragment(<filespec>) function to FuServer (Windows only, requires Admin privileges).
    • Added RequestFile()/RequestDir() script funcs to Fusion.
    • Add UIIcon, UIFont, UIWidget classes to UIManager.
    • UIManager windows can now be located by ID.
    • Events can now be sent to any Widget via UIManager::QueueEvent().
    • Various UIManager Widgets now allow their font and icon to be specified.
    • Added a couple of Lua libs (dkjson, lj2curl).
    • Added GetMousePos() script function to Fusion
    • Added bmd.readstring() and bmd.writestring() to Python support.
    • Added extra hostname arg to pinghosts() in python.
    • Added script ExpandShape() and GetPoints() shape funcs.
    • Added fusion:RequestFile()/fusion:RequestDir() script commands..
    • Added StartUndo()/EndUndo()/UpdateControls() FFI functions.
    • Added External Mask Saver.fuse for Resolve Connect integration.
    • Added gettime()/getuptime() script functions
    • Added GetUndoStack() and GetRedoStack() script commands.
    • Added FFI functions to get Valid and Image windows.

    Bugs Fixed  修复漏洞
    • Fixed crash when viewing some 3D scenes on Mac & Linux.
    • Fixed Normalised view of Z channels.
    • Fixed empty renders if using spherical camera set to LatLong when nothing is visible in the front of the scene.
    • CameraTracker: fixed a deadlock that could occur if blips were being shown when a solve completed.
    • Fixed an AddTool dialog crash when clicking "OK" with no selected tools.
    • Faster aborting during stereo renders.
    • Fixed Garbage/Solid.Invert input appearance in legacy Macro/Group tools.
    • No longer shows mouse events in hotkey editor.
    • Improved GPU memory size detection on Windows & VMs.
    • Fixed a crash when detaching the flow view from its parent frame
    • Fixed initialisation of views added from the View Layout context menu.
    • Fixed CPU fallback in ColorGain and ColorSpace if OpenCL fails.
    • Fixed an issue where more memory could be freed from the cache than was necessary due to under-reporting of memory usage in 3D scenes in some cases.
    • Fixed missing Use OpenCL option in FastNoise.
    • Changing the Do Z option in AutoGain no longer changes the Use OpenCL option.
    • Check for device support before using OpenCL Resize (affects some Iris Pro devices).
    • Fixed an OpenCL workgroup size issue impacting performance, particularly in Defocus.
    • Fixed OpenCL processing of motion blur in concatenated transform.
    • Improved playback of OpenCL images when GLSharing is off.
    • Fix OpenCL effect masking channel issue.
    • Improved OpenCL selection in some tools.
    • Fixed misaligning channels in ErodeDilate with OpenCL.
    • Fixed an issue where certain formats wouldn't be correctly initialised when using Comp: relative Loaders with a network render/preview.
    • Fix crash when executing Tool scripts
    • Fixed disappearing pixel grid and RoI/DoD rectangles.
    • Fixed DoD rectangle drawing errors dependant on whether RoI is being shown
    • Display of DoD was being clipping to the image bounds (only affected the displayed rectangle, not the DoD itself).
    • Fixed bug in ReadMe introduction
    • Fix old bug with multiple OpenGL projectors & spotlights.
    • Fixed crash in some VM environments.
    • Fix R3D support on macOS.
    • Fixed crash running Python2 scripts.
    • Fixed possible crash when reporting errors in Python.
    • Fixed Python3 not loading on some Windows systems.
    • Fixed crash when disabling an existing headset in Prefs/VR.
    • Camera/PlanarTracker: Use better formatting in long error message popup dialogs.
    • Hide some unused controls in PlanarTracker.
    • PlanarTracker: the OutputMode "Mask" and "Mask over Background" modes now update correctly while tracking.
    • PlanarTracker: fixed a crash when switching to a mask mode if no pattern exists yet.
    • CameraTracker: exported Renderer3D tool now defaults to OpenGL.
    • CameraTracker: Improved updating of 3D output in some cases.
    • CameraTracker: Minimum Track Length slider now defaults to 6 rather than 3, which improves solves in most cases.
    • '[' and ']' now step time in most control fields again.
    • Improved help support for bin items and toolbars.
    • Improved help for many views.
    • Fix opening comps occasionally failing with missing tools if Fusion was already open.
    • Fixed image sampling in CustomVertex.
    • Fixed image viewer text label black bar when OCIO view LUTs enabled.
    • Updated Rays fuse.   更新Rays Fuse节点。
    • Fixed crash when multiplying a mask on a source tool.
    • Fixed drag-drop files to Reel.
    • Custom Filter: Use integer-only edit fields where appropriate.
    • Custom Filter: Fixed matrix size reset on show.
    • Fix lockup issue when scrubbing over a mov in bins.
    • Fixed a number of image view issues in HiDPI.
    • Improved OpenEXR layer matching.
    • Fix occasional crash on startup.
    • Increased space for text edit labels.
    • Fix decode error of some 10bit DNxHR files.
    • Non-spline modifiers now update in spline view when changed.
    • Fixed FuScript script fragment execution with -x arg.
    • Auto-create a Reels folder.
    • Clips/comps can now be dropped direct to a reel, and an item will be automatically added.
    • Fixed Prefs/Timeline checkbox behaviour..
    • Preserve existing changes in Prefs/Frame Format when creating a new format.
    • Keep Snap Guide list in sync when disabling snap guides.
    • Matte Control: Fixed importing of legacy garbage/solid invert checkboxes.
    • Fixed various memory leaks.
    • Fixed potential crash trying to show controls that no longer exist.
    • Stopped zoom events that could detach sticky note edit fields.
    • 'Huge' bin icons are now 1:1 (for 100% dpi anyway)
    • Console edit no longer accepts rich-text pastes.
    • Fixed a bug causing a couple of UIManager functions (such as ComboBox AddItems()) to ignore the last item in the list.
    • Fixed TEC_CharLimit in fuses (for single line edits).
    • Fixed some issues with Shape support in Fuses.
    • Made script execution a bit more lenient about leading/trailing spaces in filenames.
    • Updated & re-enabled bmd.defrag() & bmd.defragsequence() (Windows only, requires Admin privileges)
    • Fixed possible crash when creating PlanarTransform.
    • Smooth resizing in bin playback.
    • Improved timer resolution on Windows for smoother playback.
    • Fixed curl ffi loading on Windows.
    • Fixed UITree CurrentItemChanged event.   修正当前项目的界面树

    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-3-1 14:35
  • 签到天数: 2 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2017-9-18 15:03:57 | 显示全部楼层
    站长,你好!我想下载Fusion 9,不知道这个提取密码是多少?
    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com


    发表于 2017-9-19 11:15:08 | 显示全部楼层
      哇   太棒了!!!  谢谢!!!
    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com


    发表于 2017-9-20 08:03:18 | 显示全部楼层
    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com


    发表于 2017-9-20 13:47:10 | 显示全部楼层
    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com


    发表于 2017-9-20 13:48:18 | 显示全部楼层
    Fusion中文网 交流•本该•如此 cgsfusion.com
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