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[Maya] Mastering Maya 2009 《精通Maya 2009》

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2013-7-8 19:33:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Mastering Maya 2009 《精通Maya 2009》电子书籍,全面学习和掌握Maya 2009.
    通过对此书的深入学习,能够使您的maya技巧有大幅度地提高。此书的笔者将从基础的技巧讲起逐层深入到高阶技巧,向您展示 Maya Complete和Maya Unlimited的最新专业级指导。


    Product Description
    The Ultimate Maya 2009Resource for Intermediate to Advanced Users If you already know thebasics of Maya, now you can elevate your skills with Maya 2009 and theadvanced coverage in this authoritative new reference and tutorial.From modeling, texturing, animation, and visual effects to high-leveltechniques for film, television, games, and more, this book providesprofessional-level instruction on Maya Complete and Maya Unlimited.
    This fully updated book brings you up to speed on Maya 2009's newfeatures and expands your skills with advanced instruction on cloth,fur, and fluids. You'll learn Dynamics, Maya Muscle, Stereo Cameras,Assets, rendering with mental ray, and more. Filled with challengingtutorials and real-world scenarios from some of the leadingprofessionals in the industry, this one-of-a-kind guide gives youvaluable insight into the entire CG production pipeline.
    If you've been looking for a complete, professional-quality Maya resource to turn to again and again, this is the book for you.

    From the Back Cover

    The Ultimate Maya 2009 Resource for Intermediate to Advanced Users
    If you already know the basics of Maya, now you can elevate yourskills with Maya 2009 and the advanced coverage in this authoritativenew reference and tutorial. From modeling, texturing, animation, andvisual effects to high-level techniques for film, television, games,and more, this book provides professional-level instruction on MayaComplete and Maya Unlimited.
    This fully updated book brings you up to speed on Maya 2009'snew features and expands your skills with advanced instruction oncloth, fur, and fluids. You'll learn Dynamics, Maya Muscle, StereoCameras, Assets, rendering with mental ray, and more. Filled withchallenging tutorials and real-world scenarios from some of the leadingprofessionals in the industry, this one-of-a-kind guide gives youvaluable insight into the entire CG production pipeline.
    If you've been looking for a complete, professional-quality Maya resource to turn to again and again, this is the book for you.
    The companion DVD provides video files to drive home concepts,as well as images and scene files that help you complete the exercisesand compare your work to the pros.

    • Use nParticles to create dynamic simulations and explosions
    • Create realistic human skin for characters using advanced mental ray shader techniques
    • Learn professional lighting, rendering, and compositing techniques using mental ray Render Layers and Render Passes



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  • TA的每日心情
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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-14 08:33
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