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《火星救援 The Martian 》序章 《留下你的标记》

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    2021-11-23 22:39
  • 签到天数: 404 天

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    发表于 2015-12-3 08:55:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Train until survival is your only option. Under Armour has partnered with the Ares Space Program to provide next-generation training gear designed for optimal mobility, comfort, advanced biometric data, and protection in the most demanding environment of all - space. This content was part of a comprehensive integrated partnership with Under Armour for Ridley Scott's The Martian. Our goal was to explore the cultural impact of a fictional manned mission to Mars by asking a simple question: what if Astronauts were sponsored by brands in the year 2035?
    This video is part of a series of original prologue short films for Ridley Scott’s “The Martian.” The series depicts a future where mankind has traveled to Mars, establishes a rich emotional backstory for the Ares 3 crew, and follows the events of the mission’s disaster with a sense of urgency as the world watches the story unfold.
    Directed by: Luke Scott
    Produced by: 3AM & RSA Films
    Creative Director: Chris Eyerman
    Concept: Chris Eyerman, Will Melton, Luke Scott
    Writer: Will Melton
    Producer: James Smith
    DP: Mark Patten
    Editor: Nick Temple
    GFX & Animation: Chris Eyerman
    Post Producer: Mike Goble
    MP, 3AM: Alison Temple, Jules Daly
    MD, RSA UK: Kai-Lu Hsiung
    Assistant Editor: Steven Sinardi

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