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[新闻] Photoshop 也可以创作点线作品了

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    发表于 2016-5-19 09:35:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    160518_Lattice_01.jpg 160518_Lattice_02.jpg

    可以抛开三维软件,在平面软件中创作点线效果。你可以导入OBJ的3D模型,再生成 Lattices。

    Developer Richard Rosenman has released Lattice, an interesting new tool for generating procedural particle-based lattice structures inside Photoshop or Painter without the need for 3D software.
    Create striking, versatile grid-based structures inside your 2D softwareIf that sounds a bit abstract, the simplest way to get a handle on what Lattice can do is to look at the images it creates, some of which can be seen here, and more of which can be found on Rosenman’s website.
    The form of the lattice can be controlled by linking readymade effectors together to generate noise, turbulence, deforms and waves. The noise and turbulence effectors come with their own seed values for randomisation.
    In addition, there are a range of settings to control the look of a lattice, including neat options to have transparency vary with Z-depth or line length.


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