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Hyundai 现代汽车 品牌篇 制作花絮

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-26 21:56
  • 签到天数: 405 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2016-5-24 10:14:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Here’s a little insight into some of those methods that went into the Hyundai Brand production. Trizz provided the full package: concept, design, motion capture, location shoot, special in-studio shoot rigs, animation, grading & vfx. Hand made at the Barcelona studio.


    The creative relationship with Innocean’s CD Lewis Hunt set the stage for Trizz to work in high gear on Hyundai’s iconic new approach relating to the automobile companies design sensibilities.
    The film revolves around warping nature, details during transformation and extreme photo real manipulations carried by Trizz founding Director, Oriol Puig’s vision – pushing boundaries between 3d, reality and pure experimentation (he even directed dancers on mocap for the fluidic golden wave sequence). In total, this and the Genesis film assures a goose bump inducing cinematic visual journey in 4k.
    Hyundai Brand Credits
    Innocean ( Agency )
    Creative Director: Lewis Hunt
    Executive Producer: Morten Frantz
    Account Director: Petra Erbova
    Film Concept Development: Oriol Puig and Lewis Hunt
    Director: Oriol Puig
    Executive Producer: Chris Vulpi
    Producer: Oriol Vives
    Art Direction: Oriol Puig, Alex Martín, Evaldas Cesnavicius
    Additional Art Direction and Research: Laura Ibañez
    Modeling/Liquid Simulation/Lighting/Rendering: Alex Martín
    Modeling and Lighting ( Threads scene ): Evaldas Cesnavicius
    Modeling and Lighting ( Dancer scene ): Oriol Mayolas
    Compositing: Oriol Puig and Roberto García
    Smoke Online: Ricardo Perez
    Motion Capture: Oriol Mayolas
    Storyboard: Javier Vaquero
    Editing: Carlos Carrasco/Oriol Vives/Oriol Puig
    3d scanning and modeling support: Juan León / Ariadna Ollè
    Trizz – Live Action
    Live action Trizz team: Oriol Puig, Laura Ibañez, Oriol Vives
    Set Design: Albert García Vila
    Set construction/inventions: Albert García Vila, Laura Ibañez and Anna Caterina Melo
    Head of Production: Dani Molina
    Director of Photography: Rafa Lluch
    Shooting Production Assistant: Tomas Minguella
    Motion Capture Dancers: Jana Errando, Victor Fernandez
    Effects: Nasa FX
    Music composer: Daniel Lea ( Golden hum )
    Sound Mixing: Abbey Road
    Making of: Ariadna Ollé


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  • TA的每日心情

    2016-9-1 16:39
  • 签到天数: 16 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2016-6-2 10:06:28 | 显示全部楼层
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