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    发表于 2016-6-17 10:25:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Art&Graft were commissioned by McGarrah Jessee to design and develop a charming narrative film for Costa Del Mar sunglasses ‘See What’s Out There’ campaign. ‘The Leafcutter’, an inspirational tale of a little guy on a big adventure.
    Art&Graft were commissioned by McGarrah Jessee to design and develop a charming narrative film for Costa Del Mar sunglasses.
    For Costa’s “See What’s Out There” campaign, we told the story of Leafy a worker ant and his escape from the daily grind to heed the call of adventure and discover that there’s some pretty wonderful stuff in this world- and in himself.
    This warm and emotive film showcases Costa’s adventurous spirit and aims to build on the emotional connection between consumers and the brand. In turn also attracting a new audience to Costa’s premium and innovative products.
    Utilising Art&Graft’s skilful blend of 3D techniques and textural, illustrative style; the viewer is immersed in a lush jungle landscape and the suspenseful emotion as we follow Leafy’s trials and tribulations on his daring journey.
    Epic landscapes give way to minute detail as we see Leafy overcome his trepidation to travel onwards past predators (both natural and human) to reach the culmination of his epic adventure to the sea.
    “Tasked with bringing this timeless tale of adventure to life, we set out on our own journey too; creating a warm-hearted, cinematic film of the little Leafcutter.
    Throughout the process this always felt more like we were making a short film rather than a commercial; spending equal time on crafting the narrative storyline and rich, illustrative visual treatment as on the subtle 3D character animation of the finished film.
    Surely we all recognise a bit of ourselves in the Leafcutter’s quest for adventure. At times we follow the journey in microscopic detail, watching as huge raindrops crash all around, before viewing the same landscapes in glorious wide shots, utilising the full range of scale that animation affords.” – Mike Moloney, ECD, Art&Graft
    The result is a disarming fable that inspires us all to look further, dip our toes in the water, and live a richer life.
    Design, Direction and Production by Art&Graft
    Creative Director: Mike Moloney
    Head of Animation: Clement Bolla
    Creative: Stephen Middleton
    Producer: Tom Bromwich
    Animators working as part of the in-house team at Art&Graft: Ricardo David, Tim Kirby, Guitty Mojabi, Florian Mounie, Sam Munnings, Han-Ter Park and Vincent Techer.
    Music & Sound Design: Brains & Hunch
    Agency – McGarrah Jessee
    ECD: James Mikus
    Creative Director: Joel Clement
    Writers: Joel Clement, Andy Greenaway and Elliot Nordstrom
    Art Directors: Joel Clement, Eliott Nordstrom and Bruce Matchett
    Executive Producer: Meredith Roach
    Producer: Marlena Villery
    Client – Costa
    VP of Marketing: Al Perkinson


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