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[新闻] Amplify Creations 推出 Amplify Shader Editor 游戏引擎材质编辑器beta版

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    发表于 2016-9-21 08:36:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Game development developer Amplify Creations has released Amplify Shader Editor (ASE), its new node-based shader authoring tool for Unity, in commercial beta.
    The software is intended to provide “an open and tightly integrated solution [that respects] Unity’s UI conventions [and provides] AAA quality and flexibility at an indie-affordable cost”.
    An intuitive shader editor with full source-code accessASE provides a standard node-based workflow for authoring shaders with an intuitive, minimalist interface. Changes made to the shader graph are reflected in the viewport in real time.
    You can read a list of existing node types in the software’s online documentation, although the feature set is still a work in progress: custom lighting models are currently disabled, for example.
    The developers are pitching ASE as a community-driven product, and are actively soliciting suggestions for new features, as well as providing access to the full source code.
    You can read more about the current roadmap or contribute your own suggestions via the forum thread below.

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