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[新闻] AMD 宣布Blender专业渲染器 Radeon ProRender

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    发表于 2016-12-27 08:32:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    AMD推出一款免费的物理渲染器Radeon ProRender,基于GPU加速,也支持OpenCL,同时会有3ds Max, Maya和SolidWorks,未来还会有Rhino和Cinema 4D版本。
    官网:http://pro.radeon.com/en-us/rade ... g-soon-for-blender/



    AMD has unveiled Radeon ProRender for Blender: a new version of its free physically accurate, GPU-based renderer for the popular open-source 3D modelling and animation software.
    The company hasn’t announced a release date for the new plugin, which is mentioned in a blog post on the official release of the Maya version of the software.
    An open-source, OpenCL-based unbiased path tracing rendererOriginally named FireRender, Radeon ProRender is an unbiased path tracing renderer with a standard basicset of features.
    It’s GPU-accelerated, and being based on OpenCL, should be compatible with any manufacturer’s hardware.
    Plugin versions are currently available for 3ds Max, Maya, with SolidWorks in beta. The technology is being incorporated natively into the upcoming Rhino 6, and “over several release cycles” of Cinema 4D.
    Can Radeon ProRender outperform Blender’s native Cycles engine?AMD’s blog post doesn’t go into detail about the Blender version of ProRender, beyond the fact that it will also be a plugin, will be integrated into Blender’s viewport, and will come with its own material library.
    However, as an open-source renderer based around open standards, it seems a natural fit for Blender.
    The real question is whether ProRender will offer the feature set and performance required to persuade users to switch from Cycles, Blender’s existing – and well-established – GPU-based unbiased path tracer.
    Cycles also supports OpenCL, although as the online documentation makes clear, it’s still something of a second-class citizen compared to Nvidia’s proprietary CUDA API.

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