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[新闻] Chaos Group 推出 VRscans 扫描服务

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2016-2-26 10:47:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Chaos Group又推出新项目,扫描服务,获取真实世界的材质,主要用于产品设计和可视化行业。
    .vrscan文件 都支持Vray渲染,for Max和Maya。

    Chaos Group has launched VRscans, a new service for creating accurate digital representations of real-world materials, aimed primarily at the product design and visualisation industries.
    Unlike readymade online material libraries like Substance Share or Quixel’s work-in-progress Megascans, scanning is performed on demand to a user’s specifications.
    Ultra-accurate digital representations of fine material surface detailsUsers can send in physical samples of the materials they want scanned, and Chaos Group will send back a .vrscan file that can be rendered in V-Ray for 3ds Max or V-Ray for Maya.
    The .vrscan format implements a bidirectional texture function (BTF): a six-dimensional representation of how a material’s surface appearance changes according to viewing angle and the angle of illumination.
    (For comparison, the BRDF function emulated by standard shading models such as Blinn, Ward and GGX, is a four-dimensional representation of a material’s surface properties.)
    In practice, that means sub-millimetre-accurate representations of fine surface detail like bumps and scratches.
    According to Chaos Group, “VRscans combines precise optical hardware with proprietary software [capturing a] material’s … surface texture, reflectivity, dimensionality, and its unique response to light.”

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