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[新闻] BorisFX将会在NAB2016发布BCC10 OFX版本和mocha Pro 5

  • TA的每日心情

    2017-10-28 23:13
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    发表于 2016-4-12 12:24:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 Barberton 于 2016-4-13 10:40 编辑

    Following the recent launch of Boris Continuum 10 for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC, After Effects® CC and Avid Media Composer, NAB 2016 will mark the release of BCC 10 for Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve and Sony Vegas Pro. Support for new editing and effects host systems including Apple FCP X & Motion, Sony Catalyst, and The Foundry’s NUKE is announced and coming soon. BCC 10 also offers new multi-host licensing and annual subscription options, making the tools available in all host applications with one license activation.

    Highlights include:

    New: Continuum Complete 10 release supporting Davinci Resolve, Sony Vegas Pro and future support for FCP X, Nuke, and more hosts.

    Coming Soon: Major new mocha Pro 5 release with accelerated tracking and plug-in options for Adobe, Avid, Nuke, and OFX.

    Technology Demo: Working in 360/VR? Visit the mocha Pro demo pod to preview new workflow tools for 360 visual effects and finishing.

    New in BCC 10:
    • mocha’s Academy Award-winning planar tracking & masking tools are now integrated inside every BCC filter.
    • Beauty Studio: A state-of-the-art skin retouching and digital makeup tool to make your talent look perfect without losing clarity and detail.
    • Title Studio: Next generation 2D/3D titling and motion graphics tool for designing and animating at any resolution. Includes Maxon C4D model support and creative title templates.
    • New Image Restoration Tools: Remover, Dropout Fixer, and Reframer
    • New Effects:  Light Leaks & Video Glitch
    • New Transitions: Cross Glitch, Cross Melt, Light Leak Dissolve, and Cross Zoom
    • Host Support: BCC 10 is available for Avid and Adobe. Boris FX will be showing a new BCC10 release at NAB for Blackmagic Resolve and Sony Vegas Pro with upcoming support for OFX hosts Nuke, Fusion, and more.

    总结一下,这次NAB上面发布的OFX版本只支持达芬奇和VEGAS,而将来会支持其他OFX平台如Nuke、Fusion、Sony Catalyst,同时也会增加FCPX和Motion的版本。至于mocha Pro 5方面,最突出的新特性就是新增了插件版并直接支持AVID和OFX平台。按照去年发布的信息来看,应该就是类似于AE内置的mocha AE功能,也就是插件版,估计就是mocha Pro 5安装后会生成一个AVX插件(支持AVID)和OFX插件(支持Nuke、Fusion),之后就可以直接在AVID、Nuke、Fusion等平台里面直接调用mocha Pro 5。按照现在BorisFX的更新速度,我估计支持Nuke\Fusion的OFX版本会在明年发布,也就是BCC11,具体信息还需等待BorisFX方面公布。

    BCC10和mocha Pro 5的新特性中文翻译可以看这里:http://www.cgsfusion.com/thread-2525-1-1.html

    Sony系列(包括VEGAS、Movie Studio、新出的Catalyst)、Nuke、Fusion、Nucoda、Scratch、Davinci Resolve、AVID DS(已停产,只支持32位OFX插件)、HitFilm Pro、Natron等。除此之外还有一些插件类的如调色插件BaseLight(支持AVID\FCP\NUKE)和字幕插件NewBlue Titler Pro 4(可以单独运行,支持AVID\AE\PR\EDIUS\VEGAS,OFX插件版支持Nuke和Fusion,但是极不稳定)都支持Sapphire蓝宝石插件。

    通用性最强的几个OFX插件(也就是兼容以上多数OFX平台的插件)主要有GenArts Sapphire——只要是个OFX平台都会支持的,其次就是Monster插件,除了对一些新支持OFX的平台如HitFilm、Titler Pro支持得不太好外,其他平台都适用。同样的还有RE:Vision Effect公司的系列插件。

    通用性比较差的几个OFX插件(也就是仅仅支持几个OFX平台的插件)主要有BCC插件、Digital Film Tools公司(简称DFT)系列插件,DFT系列在2014年年底进行了一次版本更新才开始支持Nuke\达芬奇\VEGAS等平台,之前一直只支持AE\PR\AVID、NewBlue公司系列插件也就是俗称的NB插件,其OFX版本插件之前一直只支持VEGAS,去年更新的版本才开始支持达芬奇。


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