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《Transformers 4 变形金刚4》 Ratchet Torches 制作花絮

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2014-10-4 00:49:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Anselm von Seherr-Thoss from incendii worked with Atomic Fiction. This time on Transformers 4 Age of Extinction.
    Mega res head of Ratchet as well as match moves were delivered. Rest was done in 3dsmax with a TP system that fuels the torches, emits sparks based on FumeFX heat and the type of metal the torches hit. Each element had to be rendered individual and in stereo for Stereo3d compositing. That’s 5 elements per torch, 4 or more torches each shot through 2 cameras in VRay. The sparks had to match the sparks in the plate. One of the biggest challenges was the interaction with the Ratchet model. It was VERY detailed and high res, custom collision objects had to be created and the model thinned out for fluid dynamics. I originally did more shots than what you see but they ended up on the cutting floor.


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