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《After Earth 重返地球》 by Tippett Studio 特效花絮

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    发表于 2014-10-29 08:47:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    An Exclusive look at how Artist at Tippett Studio Studio brought After Earth Film to realty by adding Digital Creatures. Tippett Studio created several key sequences for M. Night Shyamalan’s sci-fi adventure, AFTER EARTH, the story of a father (Will Smith) and son (Jaden Smith) who, after a crash landing, explore a planet that was evacuated by humans 1,000 years earlier due to cataclysmic events.
    For the Next Attack sequence, Tippett VFX Supervisors Aharon Bourland and Blair Clark oversaw creation of a partial practical build, blended with an all-CG next, instanced procedurally from a ton of hand-modeled sticks.

    Creature models and animation of jaguars and a condor joined the movie’s key monster, the Ursa, a monster initially designed by Crash McCreery and visually developed at Tippett Studio.

    Tippett Studio’s work on the Flying Kitai sequence was shared with Pixomondo, who did the “flying squirrel” wingsuit, while Tippett did the Condor animation. also check out:


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