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《San Andreas 末日崩塌》特效花絮 by Image Engine

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-9-6 08:41:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Vfx Breakdowns of Image Engine’s vfx work for Hollywood blockbuster, San Andreas.
    Photorealism is the Holy Grail of visual effects, and yet also one of the art form’s most challenging propositions. Read on to find out how Image Engine tackled the issue head--on in a ground--breaking shot for natural disaster movie S​an Andreas.
    Natural disaster movies can’t cut corners when it comes to visual effects. After all, while you might be able to wire up a ton of explosives to bring down a five-storey office block or close off a length of highway to film a high-velocity car chase, there are no practical effects that can safely – or feasibly – tear open the very earth itself. And that’s where Image Engine came in on Brad Peyton’s California nightmare, ​San Andreas​.
    In the film, Dwayne Johnson (a.k.a. The Rock) plays Chief Ray Gaynes, a Los Angeles Fire Department helicopter pilot who heads to skies for what will unarguably turn out to be his worst day on the job yet. A devastating earthquake is about to hit the North American west coast; the grinding of continental plates causing the City of Angels to shift and undulate, with entire skyscrapers crashing down around our intrepid protagonist.
    Clearly, practical effects were not up to the task. As such, Image Engine was one of many vendors brought on to apply its visual effects skills to a vision of a world torn asunder…


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