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[新闻] KeyShot 7 新功能介绍

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2016-11-21 09:52:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    这次更新了keyshot 7 ,支持全景相机的渲染,改进了纹理映射的算法。

    Luxion has posted a teaser for KeyShot 7, the next update to its rendering and tech animation software. The update goes on pre-order from 25 November, although Luxion hasn’t actually announced a release date.
    KeyShot HD: new Panoramic camera and improved texture mappingThe second half of the video is a promo for KeyShot’s existing capabilities, so the new stuff is shown in the section up to 01:40.
    It doesn’t show a lot of new features for the HD edition of the software: a new Panoramic camera for rendering VR projects, plus a text-only note about “improved texture mapping”.
    KeyShot Pro: interactive decimation, playback of animated mesh sequencesInstead, most of the features shown are for the more expensive Pro edition: notably Re-tesselate, which looks to be a simple, slider-driven decimation system for adjusting the geometry count of a model.
    Other new functionality includes the option to import, play back and render deforming mesh sequences, although the video doesn’t specify in what format the data can be imported.
    There is also support for animating displays and UIs by mapping image sequences to the geometry.
    Users can also create Studios, which look to be scene presets comprising model sets, environments, cameras, lighting and render settings.
    And finally, visualisation artists get a new Configurator system for presenting variant designs of a product to clients or users, including geometry and material variations.

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