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[新闻] Houdini 15 先睹为快

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    2024-12-26 21:56
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    发表于 2015-8-12 06:15:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Following an enigmatic three-second teaser earlier this week – it makes more sense if you pause it and look at the writing on the bottle caps – Side Effects Software has released a sneak peek of Houdini 15.
    Whereas recent releases have been tailored largely to its traditional core audience of FX TDs, Houdini 15 looks to make it more accessible to generalists and game artists attracted to the software through Houdini Engine.
    Side Effects describes it as being for “generalists, animators, lighters, game makers and VFX artists” and being intended to make “Houdini to a bigger part of the pipeline”.
    New modelling and retopology toolsAccordingly, the new features are to some extent Houdini playing catch-up with other 3D applications, particularly in the modelling and animation toolsets.
    Modelling features on display include edge sliding and a new tweak edit mode for pushing vertices around. The latter comes with falloff and what Side Effects terms ‘sloppy selection’.
    There are also new PolyBridge and PolyExtrude tools that should be familiar to users of other software, and a new retopology system that looks to work in a similar way to Maya’s Quad Draw tool.
    Updates to materials and animation workflow improvementsOver in materials, the Shader FX system introduced in Houdini 11 has been updated, and there is a new toon shader, support for layered BSDFs, and an interesting-looking ‘material stylesheet’ system.
    The update also adds support for the recently released RenderMan 20, including shader-building and IPR.
    The animation system also gets an update, introducing support for onion skinning, a ripple tool and multi-selection in the Dope Sheet, and a new pose and clip library.
    But still some new FX tools, tooTDs needn’t feel entirely left out, however, since the crowd system added in Houdini 14 has also been extended.
    The video shows crowd ragdolls interacting with Houdini’s other simulation systems, including position based dynamics, FLIP fluids, Pyro FX and particles; plus some rather gruesome limb detachment.
    The options for distributed simulation have been extended, and there is a neat-looking new Melt Object option.

    Updated 8 August: Side Effects tells us that distributed sims now use “adapative compression and loading solutions to improve post-simulation workflow on large FLIP and white water data sets”.
    “Tha means each slice of a sim runs more efficiently on the farm. We have also improved how the slices connect to create a virtually seamless surface.” Side Effects says that it has tested sims as large as 4 billion particles.

    Other new toolsIn addition, if you pause the video at 03:00, you get to see a brief list of other new features, which include a PSD exporter and support for the UDIM UV format used in tools like Mari.

    官网地址:http://www.sidefx.com/index.php? ... =117&Itemid=374

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