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Fusion has been around since 1996 and has grown into being a very powerful node based compositor. Recently Black Magic Design purchased Eyeon Software and turned around and released a very robust free version of Fusion 7.
In the Fusion Production Workshop prof Daniel Smith aims to show you how this pedigreed software compares with other software, examining where Fusion is strong and and where it falls a bit short. We also will be taking it though several different mini projects which are the core skills to VFX to show you how to use this software to make the most of your visual effects budgets.
course syllabus
Class 1: We introduce the course, go into the history of Fusion and examine the way Fusion's robust color corrector works. Our first project a will be a Day for Night color correction.
Class 2: The MultiPass composite. We take full control of our images using Multi channel exrs and use additive and subtractive rebuilding to control almost every aspect of our images. We look into the 3D special buffer nodes and how they can help our composite to look more realistic. Second project will be a MultiPass composite.
Class 3: The MultiPass Part Two: We bring in Non Color Data Passes or NCDPs and refine our composite. Adding details like glow and building our own edge blurs, light wrap, and camera shake.
Class 4: Extractions: We are going to tackle a difficult to key shot. Long hair with fine details with lots of spill. Understanding how Luma, Primatte and the Ultra Keyer work. Techniques for combining keyers. Finishing our key over the backplate and dealing with severe motion blur.
Class 5: The Tracker Part One: Fusion has a robust 2D tracker. Match-moving and using the 2D tracker to find patterns in the corners of monitor to replace screens is a staple of television and films FX. We will be using the tracker to match move a screen monitor and replace the screen while preserving reflections and keeping the image looking real.
Class 6: The Tracker Part Two: In part two, we use the tracker to stabilize a moving plate and produce a complex reconstructed clean plate that will be ready for CG effects. Once the plate is cleaned up we restore it back to its original movement. Clean plates are needed for many types of VFX work. We will explore several different techniques for clean plating in this class.
Class 7: Fusion has a terrific 2D/3D particle system that can create smoke, dust and fire effects inside its 3D environment. We will create summer for winter effects and add cold breath effects to a shot to simulate an actor working in subzero temperatures.
Class 8: Matte Painting/Set Extensions Part One: Diving deeper into Fusions 3D system we import 3D tracking data, composite a 3d rendered element, and work though the proper setup for removing and adding back lens distortion data.
Class 9: Matte Painting/Set Extensions Part Two: We add to our shot with the addition of a background sky extension and flying spaceships. We also setup our spaceship for deeper LookDev.
Class 10: Matte Painting/Set Extensions Part Three: We dive into lookDev with Fusions robust shading system and add the spaceships to our matte painting. We then add finishing touches to our shot. Adding clouds in the sky, grain, color correction, and smoke trails using 3D particles. Then we dive into a proper linear workflow for Fusion and wrap up the course!
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